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Lamiex is recognized with a certificate of renewable energy

The environmental concern is no longer just a fad and has become a necessity in the daily life of companies, especially in matters involving renewable energy sources.

And this has been one of our socio-environmental commitments here at Lamiex, as we are investing in sustainable practice by using renewable energy sources to meet the demand for electricity generation used in our physical facilities.

Due to the good performance of this practice and the favorable environmental result obtained, we were recognized with the Renewable Energy Certificate, granted by Comerc Energia and Sinerconsult, companies specializing in renewable energy in Brazil.

The certificate attests to Lamiex’s effectiveness in adopting clean energy in its processes, through which it managed to reduce, in 2020 alone, the equivalent of 262.56 tCO2 of greenhouse gases. A result of extreme importance for the environment and society – and which is a source of pride for all of us on the team.

With this, we at Lamiex seek not only to demonstrate to our customers, suppliers, and employees the excellent result obtained, but mainly to encourage our partners to also take a closer look at environmental issues, including the possible uses renewable energy, also known as clean energy.

Understand what renewable energy is and why it is important for society as a whole

What is renewable energy?

It is the type of electrical energy generated through renewable and clean sources, such as solar, hydroelectric, and wind energy, for example, as they eliminate the use of fossil fuels in their process and, thus, considerably reduce the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), also known as carbon dioxide, the main cause of the greenhouse effect.

It is the type of energy that environmentalists and other scholars believe to be the most appropriate, especially solar energy, because water, even being a renewable energy source, has become increasingly scarce due to climate issues experienced in the world.

It is not by chance that Brazil is experiencing a water crisis, which puts the country on alert for future problems in energy generation.

Why is it important to invest in the use of renewable energy?

As previously mentioned, renewable or clean energy sources are, for the most part, infinite. Therefore, mainly for the companies, besides the environmental impact issue, there is also an independence in relation to the electric power supply from the distribution companies, as is the case of Light, in Rio de Janeiro, Enel, in São Paulo, and Copel, in Paraná – the state where Lamiex is located.

With this, companies have more autonomy in their processes and are less vulnerable to risks such as energy rationing and power outages.

Brazil is an example in generation and use of renewable energy

A curious fact is that Brazil is one of the world leaders in clean energy generation. Almost 50% of the Brazilian energy matrix comes from renewable energy sources. This further reinforces the commitment of national industries to invest in this model.

Environmental responsibility and good relationship with the market

Another important point to highlight is the relationship with the market. Here at Lumiex, an industry of PP (polypropylene) and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) sheets, it is essential that we implement sustainable practices in our processes to ensure our customers and partners that the production line is clean and with minimal environmental impact. possible.

With this, our customers can ensure that they maintain a sustainable chain throughout their production process, considering the environmental policy adopted by the company that supplies the material used.

Therefore, if you are looking for companies that share the same environmental values to establish partnerships, see more details of Lamiex’s work and learn more about our products.

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