PP non-slip flooring

Waterproof flooring with high chemical resistance and a non-slip system

Lamipiso is an exclusive product to be used in industrial areas that require non-slip flooring with high chemical resistance, such as electroplating, chemical industries and laboratories.

It is also indicated for retention of environmentally harmful liquids.


Made of polypropylene composite, Lamipiso is very versatile and can be easily machined, molded and welded.

Smart Alternative

This product replaces, with high performance, materials such as checkered steel plate, stainless steel, aluminum, and concrete in various applications.

Lamipiso Imagem Social Lamiex

Main Features of Lamipiso

Chemical resistant

Easy installation

High durability

Non-slip texture


Main Applications

Lamipiso are polypropylene (PP) sheets with a non-slip texture, with Lamiex quality, and can be used in multiple segments such as:

Flooring for slippery areas
Flooring for the chemical, battery, electroplating, and tannery industries
Aplicações Principais Lamipiso - áreas escorregadias

Flooring for slippery areas

Aplicações Principais Lamipiso - revestimento industrias


Aplicações Principais Lamipiso - piso revestimentos industriais v2

Floor covering for industries

Measurement Chart

Thickness (mm)Width (mm)Length (mm)
4 to 30up to 1300on request

*Special measures on request.

Sales Terms

Lower rates for BNDS card. See general conditions.
Our minimum order is 200kg.
For special discounts, contact us!

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