
Agribusiness involves all activities in the agricultural value chain: in front of the door (seeds, pesticides, machinery and implements), at the door (basic or primary agriculture), and behind the door (industry and services), involving processing, distribution and consumption.

To promote the great development of Brazilian agribusiness, we are committed to producing sheets with wear resistance, durability and better cost-benefit.

Lamipro+ com proteção anti-UV
Lamipro+ is an excellent product for coatings, as it is highly resistant to UV rays.
Lamiglide Logo Lamiex
Lamiglide, with high resistance to abrasion, gives greater durability to covers in silos and hoppers, for coatings of dump boxes and wagons.
Lamitruck Logo Lamiex
Lamitruck, suitable for transporting grains safely and quickly because it is a product.

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