Coating for Dump Boxes HDPE Sheet

The best coating for dump boxes that provides high discharge speed and prevents tipping.

Lamitruck is a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheet specially developed for a top coating on wagons and dump boxes with high resistance to impacts and abrasion. Due to its high non-stick effect, it performs the unloading much faster and avoids tipping, reducing truck maintenance.


Lamiex has this highly specialized solution dedicated to the coatings and blankets segment. We have large sheets for larger vehicles.

Smart Alternative

This product replaces several materials with great economy for the agile, efficient, and safe transportation of soil, limestone, and grains, and is highly resistant to impacts.

Lamitruck Imagem Social Lamiex v2

Main Features of Lamitruck

Chemical resistant

Electrical insulator

Good rigidity

Impact and abrasion resistant

Low moisture absorption

Low specific weight



Main Applications

Lamitruck are HDPE sheets with Lamiex quality and can be used in multiple segments such as:

Coating for dump boxes
Aplicações Principais Lamitruck - revestimento caçambas 2

Coating for dump boxes

Aplicações Principais Lamitruck - Revestimentos de caçambas

Coating for dump boxes

Measurement Chart

Thickness (mm)Width (mm)Length (mm)
3 to 5up to 2600on request

*Special measures on request

Sales Terms

Lower rates for BNDS card. See general conditions.
Our minimum order is 200kg.
For special discounts, contact us!

Copyright 2022 @ Lamiex. All rights reserved.

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